Debating on leaving him.. (Long post) UPDATED

I'm adding anonymously because I don't want it to get back to him.. I'm sitting on the couch debating where I wanna go in life... We're house hunting right now because we are currently living a 2 bedroom house with us and 2 kids.. I truly do love him.. We've been together almost 3 years.. We've lived together for 1 1/2... I have no friends.. I have no job... I have no life outside of taking care of my kids the house the dog and him.. I do my best to make him feel appreciated.. I wrote little notes thanking him for all his hard work and how much I appreciate him.. I stay up later than him to make sure his work clothes are washed.. His lunch bag is ready.. The dishes are done.. The house is picked up for a fresh day the next day.. And all I get is being bitches at for the one thing I didn't do.. Like being sick and trying to comfort a teething baby while he lays around with his thumb up his ass.. I got on my hands and knees today and scrubbed our bathroom floor with bleach because I got sick.. I cleaned it up.. He came home from work said "I wanna eat dinner, I'm hungry" so I get up and I go make him dinner I made his plate and even brought it to him then say down and fed the baby before feeding myself.. After dinner the baby was inconsolable!! I spent 2 hours trying to comfort the baby he said I'm going to bed and had an attitude and was upset so I asked what was wrong.. He started complaint about the garbage that hasn't even been taken out yet.. Or the "little bit of laundry that hadn't been done yet" need I remind you I was sick today! And taking care of everyone else.. So I started crying and let him know how unappreciated I had been feeling.. He shot back with " you don't feel appreciated, all I do is go to work and pay bills" I said yes and I do little things everyday to make you feel appreciated and all I get is bitched at for what I DIDNT do that day.. All he said was whatever.. I just said fuck you go to bed I don't even wanna deal with you anymore tonight.. I love him. I really do! He is good to me and the kids I just wish he was a little more affectionate and appreciative towards me.. Idk what to do.. Thinking me and the baby will just sleep in the living room tonight.. I don't even wanna be near him right now.. :(
UPDATE: I slept on the couch until about 2am and them I caved and went to bed because I knew I would sleep better up there.. He got up for work at 4.. Typically he always comes and kisses me goodbye and says I love you and he didn't do that this morning.. At least that I know of.. He could have while I was passed out! Called me on his break and apologized for being so mean. He's working 10 he says at 2 different jobs and then coming home and helping me work on the house because we're renovating to list and move.. (We put an offer in on a house so if they accept we have 24 hours to finish all the painting!!) he said he knows I do a lot for him and he really does love and appreciate me. He apologized and said he's overworked and exhausted.. He doesn't like seeing me cry like that and he hates going to bed without me. He even came home from work took the baby told me to go take a bath or do whatever I wanted!! He ordered pizza for dinner and took care of the baby 100% communication is definitely key to a healthy relationship! :) definitely feeling a lot more loved and appreciated and even respected than I did last night!!!