Cold sores. HELP!

Hey guys. So around this time last year I got my first cold sore while hitting a blunt after a guy I didn't know had it(fucker 😡), and it happened again twice after that and my third occurrence is just coming up. I know that cold sores are a herpes type 1 and it's "common."
But really how common is this?
I got a boyfriend a little after the 2nd occurrence and he doesn't know that I get cold sores. He isn't around right now and I don't get to see him for another couple of months. Should I tell him about them? I playfully asked him what he'd do if I had herpes before and he said he wouldn't date me anymore... I love him a lot and I don't want to lose him because of this.
P.s. I really doubt I ever gave it to him because I never had it while with him and I've never seen him have it or say anything about it to me just so y'all know. I've been lucky not to have it yet around him but I know it'll happen eventually I just don't know how he'll react and I'm scared to know