My story started around 5 am on July 30th, 2016

My story started around 5 am on July 30th, 2016. I was laying in bed and I felt a trickle down my leg, I was sure baby girl was kicking me in my bladder and causing a little incontinence so I went to the bathroom. About an hour later I was laying in bed reading and turned when there was a gush of fluid. Being only 36 weeks and 4 days I told myself I was just peeing on myself. I woke my husband to tell him I wasn't sure if my water was breaking or if I was peeing on myself, he knew as soon as I stood up and more fluids came out that it was time to go to the hospital. I called the doctor knowing that they would tell me to come in right away, & that they did. We quickly packed our bags & then headed to the hospital. Upon arrival to triage and being checked to make sure it was my water breaking (which she knew just by looking) I was admitted to the hospital. After I was finally checked to see how displayed I was the doctor told me I was only dilated to a 1! I couldn't believe it. They came to check on my contractions and said I'd need the help of medicines. They gave me a pill which would ripen my cervix. After receiving this pill & an epidural for the pain it caused the doctor checked my cervix & opened me from a 2 to a 4 by hand, then, started me on pitocin. About 30 mins later at 2:40 pm, the nurse came to check on me. I told her I was feeling pressure "down there" but I don't think I need to push. She checked me and my daughters head was at a 3! After calling the doctor and I finally get ready to push, it took one half hearted push and my daughter was born. It was amazing to say the least.