Could i be pregnant?????!!!!!!!

Im 20 years old I've been bloated for 2 weeks maybe 3 my stomach feels very full but soft if that makes since I had some cramping here or there and felt nauseous alot but never got sick I seem to be hungry more but I don't really crave anything I have mood swings like no tomorrow I have to pee every 5 mins I even wake up during the night to pee alot more then usual and I'm supposed to get my period in 4 days but this has been going on for 2 maybe 3 weeks tops I'm excited to be pregnant but don't want to get my hopes up and take a pregnancy test just to get a negative result I'm asking some advice from other women here what should I do what could this mean I am confused maybe it's all in my head and it's just PMS but I don't think it is my husband has noticed some changes I honestly don't know.....