So insecure

How do I get past being really insecure? I've always had insecurity issues, but lately I feel a lot worse. The past 6 months my boyfriend and I have sex 1-3 times a month, because he always denies me.And I've been breaking out really bad he's definitely noticed.. And he told me his coworker was saying how my legs are way to skinny that it's kind gross. That's same coworker has a new gf and brought her over the other night and my bf was drunk&talking about her the day after to me saying how "she had small boobs but she's not bad" and he added her on fb which made me upset bc I doubt this girl and him are going to last a long time. And he met her once so I don't see why that was necessary. He will talk about other girls sometimes how "yeah their good looking"¬ makes me upset because he never tells me anything like that.&especially with how I've been looking lately I'm getting more upset. Sometimes il tell him and ask if he thinks I'm still attractive and he says yes but then it turns into an argument. He's not an affectionate person. I just don't know what to do. I just don't want to feel so bad about myself. Btw I know for sure he's not cheating, or anything. And I don't want to just break up over it even if it's crappy of him.