Future plans in my marriage.

Jessica • 2 and a half years strong in my marriage. Even with ups and downs! He is my whole world.
My husband for some time has not been satisfied in his job. I want to buy a home and start a family. But he wants to go to law school and wait till after to buy a home and have kids. That's for years away! I know this sounds selfish, but my heart longs for kids. I've even dreamed of them. 
A part of me the logical side realizes this would be a smart career move for our family due to me wanting to be home while there little.
The emotional side feels sad, even the touchy of waiting four years now makes me cry. My emotions every time I see a baby, my heart swells with joy and excitement. I will wait for him. But darn, the tought of waiting for after school for him hurts. 😖
I want him to be happy, and I know he is doing this to better plan for future kids and our lives.
EVERYONE around me is having babies and I feel left out.
Just wondering if anyone else if feeling the way I feel on having to wait on kids