She's here

She's here!!!! 5 days late and worth the wait. I started contractions at 4pm on Saturday and was up all night. We went to the hospital at 4pm on Sunday and they sent me home because I was only 2cms. Even though my contractions were only 2-4 mins apart, they told me to come back when things were more intense. It was tough to hear because they were already intense to me. I went home and was able to get into a meditative trance from 6pm-8pm even though things were getting more intense. From 8-11pm it was very tough to relax and I wanted to go back to the hospital, but I didn't want to be sent home again. At 11:30 I peed and noticed blood. I figured that was my green light to return. 
Little did I know that I was crowning in the car there!!! Pulled up to the hospital by 12:10, rushed to my room by 12:11. My water broke as I was getting in to bed and 4 pushes later, she was out at 12:20!