Going crazy


So confused and so angry for even thinking i could be pregnant

I am so sorry for the continues posts but I have no one to talk to and its really driving me insaine

Last couple months my periods have been on time 28 days well July 1-4 I had AF ovulated 15 July any how July 24& 25 & not quiet half a day on the 26 I had bleeding again no pain no clots no smell well 28 I took my almost 7 yr old to school came home to find I had spotted again not even lasting an hour it was very weird

Well its been 7 days since that and I think I'm still getting neg I had a gyno appointment 26 and ordered bloods which I had last Friday haven't had no call from doc

1st pic is from 28 July and pt taken yesty thankyou all

I feel so angry I could just give up and cry