My bfriend cant mind his business & think evbody his friends

I really really think that not 1 of my exes but maybe 3 has harassed my bf in a evil way just by seeing him around & he can't mind his business or be highly personable.....only thing that lingers on my mind is when he decide to give one of these mfs he think his friend my address the same bullshit gon start again..... So I'm feeling like the exes got the unknown bitches walking naked & if he gon fck.... my ex most likely won't say shit to me about it because he know Im defly not gon fck wit him I'm left feeling like I got beef wit a couple niggas when I truly want only one but he fcked up being friendly I know they've pissed him off so bad he wanna beat my ass && no telling how he probably wine & dined a bitch from being mad..... But at the end of the day no major bitch problems & he come home looking stupid every day/night thinking he accomplished something.....