My friend lost her baby

Patricia • My name is Tricia! I've been married for almost 6 years. I have 2 beautiful girls!
I don't even know where to begin. 
My friend and I were pregnant at the same time. I had my baby March 25th and she had her baby May 22nd. My 5year old and her 5year old are very close aswell. We always do things with them as a family. We are always there for each other. The day he was born, I went and took his birth photos. We were happy that our babies can grow together like our girls.
Brandy had a happy, healthy baby boy. Tuesday, August 2nd, she laid Roman down for his nap and he stopped breathing in his sleep and passed away. She tried CPR and couldn't do anything for him at that moment. The ER told her that it was most likely SIDS. He is currently now with the medical examiner and they won't get the results for 2 weeks. I can't stop playing this situation in my head. I cry and pray constantly. The sadness I feel currently cannot even come close to the pain she is feeling. She wanted me to come to the funeral home with her today to help her set up the service and I couldn't even say anything. I didn't know what to say. I hurt so bad for her and her family. To watch a mom and dad discuss laying their baby to rest has possibly been the saddest thing I have ever experienced. I look at them an all I could see was just emptiness and pain. Two people who were full of life, lost their 10 week old little boy. All I can do is feel guilty. Here I am with my baby and she lost hers. I wish I could turn back time for her. I fear for my baby's life on top of everything. I am so scared that if I lay her down to sleep, that will be my last time. I feel her breath, watch her like a hawk. Before I thought to myself "this doesn't happen often", "There is nothing to worry about". This happened to my beautiful friend and her family. The reasoning behind my post was to get it off of my chest. I just need to talk about this. Maybe some moms out there own what I am talking about 😭😢😭😢