Help? I'm STILL worrying

I don't know why I do this but....
Long story
Last month, around July 9th, my boyfriend and I had PROTECTED sex. He wore a condom, I was outside of my fertile window, he didn't ejaculate, we literally did it for five minutes, and we checked it for holes afterward with water.
I got my period on July 17th as expected, I was having weird symptoms that month but we assumed it was from hormones since we don't have sex very often due to how much I worry about pregnancy even when it's almost
Impossible from how careful we are.
The period was lighter than usual, and more painful. There were still clots, it lasted my full five days, and it was bright red blood. It was just less bleeding than usual.
Now this cycle, around the time I ovulated I had extreme pain. My abdomen was really tender and I was bloated. Now I'm five days away from my next period and I'm feeling symptoms, I haven't had sex this month, I have sore breasts and cramps and leg cramps and some back pain. Which is normal for me. I have little discharge, almost dry, also normal for me.
Also, I took a pregnancy test just to ease my mind at 19 dpo even though I got my period and it was a clear negative, no faint lines.
Why am I STILL obsessing over This even though it's in the past, I'm still worried I'm going to not get my period this month, I do this basically every month whether I have sex or not.
How do I stop worrying about this stuff? We decided to stop having sex until I'm more ready mentally, even though we're more than careful. 
I'm such a hypochondriac and I google symptoms all the time and I'm constantly freaking out about if my period will come on time. Even if there's no pregnancy risk.