People should be able to post what they like!!

Nicole • Mummy of 3💙💙💗 #4 due October💗
I really do not care who disagree's with me on this. I'm going to start by saying this app is all about different individuals, different mothers, mothers-to-be, women ttc. There are many different groups. Many stories, experiences, sadness, happiness that people share on here. I'm sick of seeing people complaining about what people are posting on here. Everyone should be able to post what they like without being afraid it might hurt somebody's feelings. If people were posting completely rude things for no reason, posting things that had absolutely nothing todo with pregnancy or ttc, then I would understand. But complaining about people posting their pregnancy tests just because they have dark lines, people posting baby bumps just because they are only in their first trimester, people sharing symptoms and asking if there's a chance of pregnancy just because they haven't missed a period yet, is just so immature!! Your meant to be adults. People post clear positive pregnancy tests asking "am I pregnant" because they are in shock and overwhelmed. Maybe they have been trying for a long time, or they just didn't think it would happen so fast, or you know what, they are just excited, that is aloud right? And people complaining about them posting tests like that when there are other women who are struggling, my heart goes out to all of you women, I believe every woman should experience being a mother, If there was anything anyone could do to help we would. I pray for women that are ttc every day and I'm sure many others do. But I'm sorry people aren't going to stop posting their tests just because there are people struggling. When I was ttc I was never like that, I enjoyed looking at people's pregnancy tests, helping out, giving advice even though I had never been pregnant I tried to show support. This app is for everyone! People post baby bump pics even though they are in their first trimester because they want to watch progress, some probably genuinely don't know if it's bloat or bump, or like I already said they are just excited and can't believe it's happening. I can go on but I think you get what I'm trying to say. I saw a woman just completely go off on a woman just because she posted a test with a faint line asking what it meant (comment if it's you). For goodness sakes, she asked a question just answer it and keep it moving, or if you feel it was a stupid question just ignore it!. Some women on here are so bitchy and there is just no need for it! If your not going to be supportive, can you atleast be respectful and be happy for people instead of being so damn rude?!