Does this count as relactation?

Sorry this is so long! 
I tried to breastfeeding for about 3 weeks and it got to be so anxiety inducing I had to stop altogether. My milk took 6 days to come in and it was never really a large supply when it did. So I pumped to try and up my supply. I only ever got a couple mL from both breasts combined. I tried different pumps, flange sizes, stimulating my letdown. Almost everything. I tried fenugreek, letting baby nurse (she has a very bad latch and was getting nothing. We have no access to a lactation consultant at the moment and the one I visited when she was a week old was useless), hot compresses, once again almost everything. Then I talked to my dr about reglan and tried it. I THINK my supply increased, but couldn't tell because I got nothing out with the pump yet when I hand expressed (stupid me didn't collect it) a lot came out. So I convinced myself it wasn't for me and quit for a good three days.
After a long talk with my SO and mother, I decided it couldn't hurt to try at LEAST hand expressing a bottle here and there and trying to work on her latch since I could never get a letdown with a pump. So that night I hand expressed about half an ounce from both breasts. That's more than I had ever expressed!! Maybe because my breasts hadn't been stimulated in three days? Anyways, the next day I confidently grab ahold of my breasts in the correct position and attempt to hand express as I did the night before and I get BARELY a couple drops. Sorry this is all over the place but I guess my question is, does anyone have any advice on how to up my supply and stimulate my letdown reflex besides the usual?? I've really tried everything. Do you guys even think it's possible to rebuild something that wasn't even that strong in the first place??