Advice/opinions. Family problems. Update!!

So the story is I am currently 30 weeks pregnant. My mom and I got into an argument and she yells and screams, In which I do it back. That's what I grew up too. It's her form of communication I guess. Well while we are having a screaming match my little brother, 14, but like 2 or 3 times my size has to butt in. He starts yelling and cussing me and pushing me, so I try to give it right back to him. I end up walking out and meeting my husband who is outside, and of course I am crying. So when he asks me what's wrong I tell him. He becomes furious and storms into the house yelling at my mom saying they need to quit jumping on me I'm pregnant. (Piece of info: my mom dealt with domestic violence from her 2nd husband when I was growing up) so when he comes in yelling her first instinct is to jump up and start cussing going at him like they are going to fight. He grabs her hands and is trying to keep her from hitting him and she falls and jumps back up and grabs a huge vase with rocks and a candle and throws it at my husband's head. It shattered when it hit him and she runs at him so they are like wrestling. My brother runs in and jumps on my husband and then my mom's husband runs in. And so eventually they get them off one another and start pushing my husband out telling him to go. So he is backing out and of course they are still screaming back and forth. Then they all start shoving him and they all fall and they are fighting. So everyone got bruised up. But my mom wants nothing to do with my husband now. He didn't want to fight her at all. But he did go in with a heavy temper telling them to quit jumping on me. I wished he wouldn't have. And my mom shouldn't have thrown a vase and started getting hostile but that's her defense since her abusive relationship. Anyways, I'm just heart broken. I don't know what to do. I feel like I have lost my family. I love my mom with all my heart. And I love my husband with all of my heart. My mom says there is no coming back from this and tells me I have myself a "ricky" name of her ex husband. I'm not taking sides because not just one person is at fault it could have been prevented multiple ways. But I know what my mom's past is, so it hurts me that this all happened. And my husband just keeps saying he was tired of how they treat me,and me crying, and nobody needs to be shoving on me. Of course nobody sees both sides like I do. And I'm just so heart broken and hurt by both my mom and my husband. I don't know what to think or do, or say. My mind just goes back and forth. Our baby will be here shortly. And I am being distant from my husband now because of the whole thing, and I'm trying to talk to my mom because I don't think she wants anything to do with me,anymore but everyone is at fault. Please no rude comments, just have nobody to vent to. But what am I even supposed to think or do when my mom and husband are physically fighting.

Update: everyone only hears my mom and brothers side of the story. My husband is made out to be a bad guy, and he gets upset about it. I defend him and tell what actually happened. He has just got so mad and so fed up with the whole situation and he says things like "fuck them" and stuff like that. I understand why he would be upset. Completely. But I love them all and it hurts me to hear them talk about one another and say things like that.... am I wrong for feeling that way??