Could i be pregnant?

Torie • Hey! Im 17 and a senior in H.S. Me and my boyfriend of 3 years are expecting our first baby!❤ Due May 16th, 2017👶
So 4 or so months ago i got of the b.c implant and started the pill. I was on the pill for a month (never took it on time). I quit taking the pill around the end of my 1st period of july. (June 30th- July 4th) then got another period (July 14th- July 18th) me and my boyfriend have unprotected sex all the time and due to my apps it say my fertile window was roughly (July 24th - July 30th) and i wasnt suposed the get my period til the 11th but today (July 9th) I woke up feeling wet was gonna take a pregnancy test but i wiped first to check for period or any blood and i wiped blood but didnt see and in toilet bowl while peeing. The blood covered most of the tissue( probably because i wore no underwear to bed and it all collected through the night), it was pink and slightly clotty? I didnt take a picture since it didnt cross my mind. But I would be 9dpo according to <a href="">EVE</a> could that be implantation or is my period just 2 days early?