Blakely Elisabeth decided to grace us with her prescience August 9, 2016 at 6:54 pm coming in at 6lb...

Blakely Elisabeth decided to grace us with her prescience August 9, 2016 at 6:54 pm coming in at 6lbs 9oz 20 inches long. She is every bit of perfection, and it only took 24 minutes to push her out! My original due date was August 19, but B had other plans! Took us by complete surprise when my water broke at home August 8 at around 10:45 pm! We were admitted to hospital at about 12:15 am on August 9 (after scarfing down some Wendy's chicken nuggets) I was 0 dilated and about 50% effaced, they started pitocin at around 4:15 am and by 1:40 pm I was 1 cm and 100% effaced. Doctor was covinced I was not having her until late Tuesday evening into early Wednesday morning, but again B had different plans!