I'm lost

As I've said so before It's been now 42 days since I've missed my period according to <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> I'm abnormal when it comes for periods they usually last 9 days I was a virgin before I started having unprotected sex using withdrawal method stupid I know I'm aware. I took a pregnancy test the week I was supposed to get my period and it was negative, I waited 17 days after the day I had sex according to this pregnancy chat thingy I found online and it was negative I cramp a lot but I never get my period, I went to six flags and got on some roller coasters and I was cramping like no other cramping to the point where I wanted to cry. Days later I decided to take another test and then read that there's more hormones in your urine if you test the first thing in the morning so I did and it was still negative so I took 4 pregnancy tests in total and they all came back negative so I don't know what to do now. What could be going on any suggestions??