I just have to yell!

My mother in law is the worst human being to live! Not only is she so ignorant! She's so rude! I have dealt with her crap for soooo long! I have kept my mouth shut each time she has insulted me and done every stupid thing imaginable!
She's always had some comment about me from how I dress,'why don't you wear jeans you always look trashy with sweatpants.' UMMM EXCUSE ME? I have a huge ass I need sweats because they're comfortable! 'Why aren't your boobs big yet' 'you're not bathing your son right' 'why is he crying? You probably fed him something you weren't supposed to.' 'Why is he crying? What did you do to him' 'let me touch your breast and see if it has milk *touches breast* ' 'do you have varicose veins? *removes towel to see lef*' 'why are you so dumb? Go to church!' 'You're so angry all the time' 'you shouldn't go to work your baby is only two months when you return you're such a bad mom fr going to work.' 'Give me your son I want my friend to hold him.' 'You never do anything around the house it's so messy.' 'You're lazy.' 'You're a bad child.'
She has done so much more but these are the only phrases that constantly ring in my head and I just want to KILL her! She doesn't do crap for me! Never once helped me clean my home! Never once helped me change a diaper! Never helped me do anything! Yet she has the nerve to insult me! After I have cooked with her the nasty food she makes just to make her happy, after I have gone to her appointments to translate for her dumbass who was to dumb to go take English classes! She had the nerve to call ME DUMB WHEN SHE GAVE UP AFTER THE FIRST CLASS! 
the only reason I am BEYOND MAD AND PISSED OFF AT HER RIGHT NOW IS BECAUSE SHE HAS MY HUSBANDS FAMILY AGAINST ME! She made herself look like the victim for the ONE TIME I YELLED AT HER! The difference is I  wn up to what I said and why I said it but she can't even be truthful about what happened! I am beyond angry I'm really contemplating getting her deported. She doesn't pay taxes EVER and she feeds of everyone else's taxes. It's time for her to go!!!!