My Sunny Side Up Boy


Finally almost 3 months later I felt the need to re-download the app and connect with the new mommies out there. For awhile the overly-hormal women were driving me bonkers - though I cant claim that I was never one of those irrational women :p

Anyways, here goes.

My boyfiend has a lot of family that lives in our little town, so more often than not weekends turn into "kickbacks", which was something that continued my whole pregnancy. *queue hormonal pregnant woman*. I kept nagging about how one of those nights I was going to go into labor and he would be too drunk to drive me to the hospital. One night after a game of spoons and bbq at my parents, we came home and he had his cousins over, but insisted this would be the last night of drinking before baby comes (with my luck, i shoulda known then). I went to bed around midnight while the guys continued their festivites, only to get the sleep of a 39 week pregnant woman - and to be woken up at 2am by my drunk boyfriend coming to bed. With the wonderful alcohol induced snoring, I was kept awake until 4:45. At 6:30 I woke up to pee and remember laying in denial and trying to fall back asleep instead of getting up to pee.

I felt a pinch in my cervix area and I remember thinking that it was possibly my water breaking. But i remembered we had no TP in the master bath (lazy me) and i had to hobble to the hall bathroom with my knees clenched together. Once there i was met with the fact that the men at my house that night took enough shits to use the entire last roll of toilet paper. So i hobbled to the kitchen, knees clenched, and grabbed a napkin. Back to the master bath - i finally sat on the toilet and some flud came out, but it wasnt a gush, which explains why i was able to contain most of it with my knees clenched. I sat on the toilet for about 10 minutes letting it trickle out of me, hollering to mr. Passed, until he woke up. I called the dr because I still wasnt having contractions (and I didnt have any braxton hicks during my pregnancy). They told me to come in, rather than wait, so i packed a hospital bag and by the time I was ready to leave my boyfriend was sober enough to drive. It was 30 minutes to the hospital and my contractions were about 3 minutes apart the whole drive.

My mom ofcourse was hopping in the shower and would get in touch with my siblings so they could all head to the hospital - but i pleaded with her not to be in a rush, because I had a feeling it would take awhile.

So we arrive at the hospital, get admitted, and hooked up to the monitors & checked. 4cm dialated, 70% effaced, contractions 3 mintues apart, water definitely broken.

Fast foward 15 hours and 100% backlabor, my cervix was holding steady at 6cm, after being check and still at a 6, i finally requested an epidural (which never fully kicked in because my little one was posterior, which i later read can prevent the epidural from fully kicking in). Prior to the epidural, they had me lay on my side a couple times, but each time baby's heart rate would drop and a team of nurses would rush in and tell me to MOVE ON MY BACK NOW! - thats terrifying. So a few hours with the epidural (were between hour 18-20) they check me and im an 8. Around hour 22 or 23 im still an 8 but they decide the baby is in a weird position, and want me to push to get im moving and to get me more dilated (i guess). So im pushing, but they say im not doing it right, and shut my epidural off, and give me pitocin (by the way, it was only the nurses doing the stuff, my doctor only stopped in to say hi - way before i even had my epidural). I pushed for 2 hours, but he was stuck on my pubic bone (thank you mr. Sunny side up) and by now my back labor is in full force, im exhausted from pushing, and can feel my baby going nowhere while having his head jammed up against me in a painfully low place. I told the nurses to just cut him out of me, cause he wasnt coming out. They tried to counsel me and keep going, but after my two hours of sleep the night before and 24 hours of 100% back labor - i was done. And i knew he wasnt going to come out the usual way. So after some back and forth (and a sweet little eye roll from one of my nurses) i signed my paperwork and waited what felt like an hour with no pain meds in full labor with back to back contractions before my doctors showed up. I was wheeled in to the OR at about 7-730am and i had my boyfriend call my parents - who i had sent home at midnight to tell them i was getting a cesarean. I remember not being able to hunch over for the spinal tap very well, because I could literally feel his head very low in my uterus/lady bits so i had to clutch a pillow and i felt like he was poking around FOREVER! (mind you im not the skinniest corn stalk in the field). But, 26 hours later I heard my beautiful boy cry for the first time. 7lbs, 20 inches of pure perfection. He had caput, and a hematoma on his head from being jammed up against my pubic bone - and my doctor later told me there was no way he was coming out the way he was positioned, and she had to tug on him a little to get him out. Because of the hematoma, he was a little jaundiced - but his bilirubin numbers were on the "minor" side of the scale. He had to sleep under the blue lights for two days before we were discharged on the 3rd. It was the most heartbreaking thing in the world to have my baby next to me, crying, but not being able to pick him up to soothe him very often, because he had to stay under the lights. He latched on to my boob, but wouldnt suck. So i decided to pump (which proved impossible once i got home - i was only able to do it once a day because my honey works all day). He is now a perfectly healthy formula baby - and i could not be more in love with my Eli.