I had a schedueled induction on 8/8/16

I had a schedueled induction on 8/8/16. I was told to go to the hospital at 9 pm so that way they can monitor me and check my BP. (Which was high btw) so we stood in the monitor in L & D until They had my room at 1:30 in the morning . We got set up for me to get a pill that goes up the vg which helps with the dialation and The cervix opening . I was 1 and 1/2 centemeters dilated when we started the pill. I started having pressure and it began to feel Like cramps. Every two minutes i started having a contraction. They were tolerable for me . Not as painful as i thought. Soon they started to get annoying and hurt more . I was only dialated to a two after A couple of hours . They then found out that the baby was at the -3 position and was not moving from that spot. They then put pressure at the top of my uterus and Started to move him more towards my cervix. After that was done, i was left for an hour or two to sleep. I was given Penacilin and an iv . . I was still in pain and i had finally asked for an epidural. ( let me tell you something, it is a life saver) i would have been feeling all those really big contractions that came after the epidural was put on . My contractions started to be normal. All i wanted to do is eat but i couldnt 😞😞. All i could get were ice chips. Soon after that they checked me and i ended up getting no progress still. Only 1 centemeter more. They decided to put a balloon in me which helped dialate my cervix. It stated to get big and a few seconds later . POP!! It came out. If it comes out then odviously something worked. I wasthen dialated to a 4. So then after hours of feeling contractions i finally get checked and i was only dialated to a 5. They then decide to break my water and in less than an hour , I was at a 9 and 1/2 . Though out those contractions i was having, i had been pushing little by little and fluid came out. I had a catheter on through all of this.  My mom and grand mother and even me were getting calls. Back to back from family members asking the same questions. When it was time to push, i told them to stay away from their phones. So i had been pushing for about an hour, before this, i felt that the babys head was already going through the cervix. When i was pushing , i had to push with my butt like if i had to take the biggest dump ( which i did) so they ended up telling me that i have to push without the epidural so i did. It wasnt bad but you can feel alot of pressure from it. After that , my little love monkey came out after god knows how many pushes 
Born 6 pounds 1 ounce 
Hes sooo tinyyyy 😅😅😅😁😁😁
Hes perfect ❤️❤️