Well shit

So registration for school was today and I ain't seen no one I know so idk if I got any classes w them or not. I was lookin forward to seein people today but I jus got pics taken and and my schedule. I'm so nervous bc I realized somebody's gotten caught up in they feelings for me and I ain't talked to him all summer so now most of the stuff I've 'realized' more might just be all up in my head... And I only realized it since he been actin jealous of the guy I liked over this year. And he tried to ask me out but my dumb ass couldn't see the forest for the trees so I told him I 'didn't wanna waste time after school' so he prob got all upset about my insensitive remark and wtf do I even do bout the guy I liked and he was jealous of? If this makes any sense please how I kinda apologize for not realizing he was into me?