First day at childcare

Yesterday was my first day back to work and my son who is 11 weeks and my 2.5 year old daughter went to a sitter.  She watched my daughter as a baby and I trust her and know she does a good job.  When I picked them up yesterday she mentioned that Matthew didn't nap much, just cat naps and told me she had only fed him twice that day. He is breastfed but I pump and he takes bottles.  
I feel like when we are at home he eats every two hours like clockwork but went 4 hours between feedings.  I'm also wondering if he didn't nap bc he was hungry.  He seemed pleasant when I picked him up and I nursed him before we left the sitters house.  
I just don't know how to handle this situation and I realize it's only been one day since I've been away from him.  Any advice would be appreciated on what to say to our sitter.