Birthday ideas🤔

Samirah • 😘 Future Neonatologist or Pediatrician👩🏽‍🎓
I need ideas on what to do for my 17th birthday next month. I have NO IDEA on what to do. And people may say why am I planning a month before well I ALWAYS DO, I just be so excited. I'm turning 17☺️ and I want to do something new this year. I usually go skating, swimming, out to eat it to the movies. And I believe that's the only thing a 17 year old girl can do lol... I can go shopping I mean I do need new clothes since school starts September 6 and my birthday is September 18 
By the way I live in the U.S in Wisconsin (For the once who live in Canada or else where and was trying to give me places to go to.