Okay, I need advice from neutral parties lol

Amy • Married almost 4 years, pregnant with #1 after 4 miscarriages. Hoping and praying for a healthy happy 9 months!
Sorry if this is too long!!!! Okay a real quick explanation...I am 24 weeks pregnant with a long awaited rainbow baby! I'm due November 30th 😃 my husband and I went through 8 rounds of fertility meds and 4+ miscarriages. My family has been so crazy supportive and so has most of my husbands family. The problem lies with his mom and two of his aunts. His mom thinks that I'm being ridiculous by sayin we cannot attend the family Christmas party on December 3rd with is 2 hours away. I might not even have had the baby by then! And if I do, she says it's a stupid old wives tale that I shouldn't take the baby out that early. His mom also won't accept that we haven't chosen a name yet. We have 2 picked out but haven't 100% decided. We want to wait to see his face, and we also want to be the ones to announce it. She wants to know the name now so she can tell her friends and not have to say "the baby" and it's not just his mom. His two aunts say that I'm silly for not wanting visitors before the baby is born and that it's not just my baby. That it's a family baby and I have to allow them to make decisions as well.  I'm not allowing this, but I'm tired of explaining myself over and over so I wrote up a little something kinda as a "last time I'm explaining this" type of thing. I want to post it on Facebook so all his family and mine can read it and have the answers right there. Then I can get back to enjoying my pregnancy without the worry of getting into these arguments. I just need a neutral opinion on if what I wrote is too much and if I should even bother posting it. Lol thank you in advance for reading such a long post! What I wrote is bellow! 
Everyone has been asking us lots of question about little man, so instead of repeating ourselves over and over each time we are asked, we decided to answer all of the questions in one easy general place therefore we can continue to enjoy this journey we are on! 
1. What's his name: we have not 100% chosen his name. There are two solid contenders, and it's weighting in at about 98% to 2%, but until he is born and we see his beautiful face, no name has been chosen. Also, as his parents, Ian and I would like to announce his name along with his arrival, so unfortunately, no name till baby is here! 
2. When can we visit?: After he is born. Once mommy, daddy and baby are cleaned up,  rested, had our special time as a new family to bond and as long as everyone feels okay, we will be accepting visitors at the hospital. This will also depend on the time I deliver. This is the first and only time we will be doing this so Ian and I have chosen to not have any visitors until the baby is here. Hospital rules do say that we can only have 2 visitors at a time so make sure to text/call Daddy before you come to make sure it's okay! 
3. We will just come once you are home!: YES! Please do! But, unfortunately Ian is unable to take time off after the baby's  birth so I will be alone till he is home so please, call or text before you come over. I'm a brand new mom and I will be breast feeding, I hope there is a learning curve! It might be that I might not be up to having people over if I didn't get much sleep the night before. We also have 2 very protective dogs who bark at any and everything that they do not know, so don't just come knocking lol 
4. Questions about holiday parties/New Years etc: unfortunately we will be having to turn down most of your wonderful invitations! We are so blessed to have friends and family who love us the way you do, and we know you want us apart of your holidays as much as we want to be apart of them! But, as little man will be just a few weeks old at Christmas/New Years, we will be staying home where it's warm and quiet! Depending on the type of birth I have, it might also be that I physically cannot attend. Trust me when I say we know this sucks! We love spending the holidays with our family and our friends, it's the best part! But with a brand new baby, it just might not be possible, so please don't get mad at us if we have to say no 😔
5. Is there anything you need or what can I do to help once he is here?: God Bless you!!!! Yes there is! Lol I just don't know what yet! Lmao but I promise, I will take you up on your generosity as soon as I know what I need hahahaha But I will not turn down a meal or an offer to throw in some laundry once he is here! Lmao 
We have such a great support system with all of you! You have been through us with our struggles to get pregnant, and your well wishes and prayers are what got us through our losses. We know that each and every one of you is just as excited as us to welcome this baby into the world, and he is already so incredibly blessed to have as many people love him before he is even here! We thank you in advance for being supportive of us as new parents who are just learning! We know that each and every parent does things differently and we respect your choices as you respect ours! We are just trying to do what we feel is best for our son! Thank you for taking the time to read all of this! We love you all!!!