Ladies, Can you help me?

So okay, I can't talk about this with my grandmother or anyone else in my family because I know they will just jump to conclusions but anyway 4 weeks ago I gave my boyfriend a bj (swallowed all of it,tmi I know) but I couldn't remember if I got any on my like 4 hours when I got home i washed my hands and then used hand sanitizer, and I touched myself. I know what you are thinking, oh you are not pregnant and I know this but my mind makes me think I am. I have no symptoms that I have read that you are suppose to have at 4 weeks, no morning sickness,fatigue, sore breasts, etc. and I feel more like how I feel when my period is coming like my leg aches and such. My CM is kinda watery and small amounts and only comes out when I wipe after using the bathroom. And I have worried before about this but my period has always came And since it's not near the end of the month it isn't really time for mine yet. But I just need help from ladies that know something about this, since we are not taught these things anymore. Please help me I'm 18 and don't want to worry about this...