To all my "backed up" mamas

Sorry ladies, more poop talk! 😆
So it is well known that some of us in this group are dealing with constipation - be it occasional or constant. I thought I was in the "occasional" category but after seeing my doctor last night I now know otherwise!
She asked me how I was feeling and I said, eh, just tired and occasionally constipated but otherwise pretty good! Then I said, actually, I have days when I experience constant little pains, pangs and cramps all over my abdomen, particularly in the groin area, and it really freaks me out and sends me running to the bathroom constantly to see if I'm bleeding (I've had two previous miscarriages as well as two occurrences of bleeding in this pregnancy). My doc goes, guess what? It's because you are constipated! I told her I drink tons of water and eat fruit and/or vegetables with every meal, but it doesn't seem to help. She told me to take a stool softener twice a day and a laxative once a day until I start going every day!
Well I'll tell ya at the risk of TMI, after two doses of stool softener I experienced some major relief and today I feel great!! No cramping, pangs, or pain to speak of! 
Here I thought it was "normal" for a pregnant lady to go once or twice a week and all this time I've been dealing with such discomfort and getting so upset....all because I just needed to poop! 
Sorry for the long post, and maybe many of you are going "duh!" but I just wanted to share in case there is anyone around here in the same situation I was in. If so, talk to your doctor to see what kind of remedies he or she recommends! I'm so relieved I did - emotionally and physically - lol!