Ecstatic & a bit relieved.

I'm currently 8 weeks pregnabt and found out I was expecting 3 weeks ago. The last three weeks have been hell. Both times I went to the ER they told me my pregnancy was abnormal and that I would have a miscarriage because they couldn't see my baby or a yolk sac. Well I'm happy to say that today at my OBGYN appointment I saw my baby and it's heart beat. That really made me so happy. So much stress and three weeks of worrying now I know I have a happy healthy baby on the way. I'm Due March 22, 2017 the babies heart rate was 166 which she said was awesome. Pray works, I've never prayed so much and had so many ppl pray for me. Thanks to you all for the love and support. Its still a long journey to go but I'm hopeful that everything will go well. Please keep myself and my baby in your prayers.