Closet nursery?

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • 👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi
Advice from mamas who have set up a nursery before? I wanna make sure that despite small space, I have everything that I need.
If we get into the apartment I want we can start talking kids because it's waaaay less expensive than where we're at now. I want it for reasons involving my disability, but there are no 2 bedrooms available. There's many that can live in a 1 bedroom with kiddos (my husband will finish his masters by the time our kiddo would be 1 MAX and we can afford so much more once he's in his career. But I love this community, I love the hospital here, and I also have my specialist here that's been on my case for almost a decade and can help me through pregnancy and birth.)
However, this apartment also has a large extra closet that's almost like a very VERY small room (4x8) so that I could have a teeny tiny nursery since I've never liked the idea of an in room nursery.
In the pic:
*A small crib
*An over the crib changing table (that can be moved on the crib for ease of access)
*A skinny bookcase (for books and fabric boxes for baby things)
*A wire basket for diaper changing supplies
*Under-crib baskets
*Racks for hanging baby clothes
*Over the door shoe rack for clothes and baby stuffs
*Rope lights (for being able to take care of the baby without turning on the lights.
*House colors flags (Harry potter nursery)
*Golden snitch mobile
*** we already have a rocking chair/recliner in our living room, I plan on rocking while standing like I've done as a nanny, but if we're ever too tired we have an option in the living room.