The night my life changed!

My due date was around July 10th. Beginning around week 34/35 I started showing signs of possible preeclampsia. My BP was trending upward, I was starting to swell, and I had protein in my urine. I was told by my midwife to monitor my BP at home as well. After a few extra visits to the hospital for monitoring I went for an OB checkup on June 30th. I had been feeling fine and my BP had not been high over the last few days so I didn't think there was a potential for induction. When I got to the office they checked my BP and it was elevated. They Waited a few minutes and checked it again and it had risen. At this point the nurse told me to get my husband and we would go talk to the dr. When the dr came in she also checked my BP. At this time it was 162/110 and I was told I needed to go straight to the hospital. I was completely against induction. I had so desperately wanted to go all natural but I know that both myself but more importantly my son were in potential danger. I asked what my options were because I did not want pitocin. After hearing my options I decided on a pill called cytotec. I was given my first dose at noon. At this point I was 2cm dilated and 75% effaced. I was supposed to get a second dose at 4. By 2pm my contractions were coming about every 4 minutes but there was some irritability in between. At 4 my midwife advised against a second dose of cytotec because of how close my contractions were but also because she said that my uterus was showing signs of irritability. She wanted to give me some fluids and break my water. I asked for more time to see if my body could go into labor more naturally. She agreed. At 7 pm she again tried to talk to me about breaking my water but I kept telling her that I was only having back labor. She checked me and I had dilated to about 3.5 and 80% effaced. She agreed to give me a few more hours. At 9 i again kept telling her I was only experiencing back labor. She checked and discovered that my baby was posterior. At this point I began to labor on all 4s and rock my hips and sit on the birthing ball in an attempt to get him turned. By 10:30 I felt that he had turned and when she checked me again at 11 he had. At this point we had to break my water. I almost immediately went from 4 to 8. Around 12:30 i started feeling intense pressure and started feeling like I needed to push. I called for my nurse but she had went on lunch and my midwife was delivering another baby so I had to wait. At 1:15 I called again and told the nurse that I was going to start pushing with or without her. As I was saying this my MW walked in and asked that I wait until she checked me. She quickly checked and by 1:30 I had started to push. At first I was just blindly pushing but at the recommendation of my nurse they brought in a mirror for me to watch so that I could see the progress I was making. This made all the difference plus it added to the experience. At 2:40 I told my son that I needed him to work with me and that he was coming out. I gave 4 more long pushes and he was born on July 1st at 2:44 am. Immediately upon being placed on my chest he grabbed ahold of my finger. It was the most amazing experience!