I'm 17. What are my chances of pregnancy in this situation?

Hi, I'm 17, and a month ago I had sex with this guy I really cared about, and who really cared about me, but we weren't dating because he usually lives in Mexico. (And that's where he is now.) We used protection, and he never even came inside me to begin with. However he did cum from handjobs a couple of times, and while I made sure to stay far, far away from it and wash my hands before I touched anywhere near my vagina, I still worry. (Also I didn't let him put his hands near my vagina if there was any chance that he had cum on them.) The very next day I got my period, but I know that just because I got my period the day after sex doesn't mean I'm in the clear, since implantation usually happens a couple of days after sex. I know it's probably nothing but my period is now 2 days late, and in this situation, what is the possibility of a pregnancy? And if I were to be pregnant, what are my options? I am not anywhere near ready to raise a child, or even to go through childbirth. So, I would go through with an abortion. I looked it up and in my state, a girl my age could get an abortion without her parents knowing. I know Planned Parenthood would do this confidentially. But I know that abortion pills usually cost hundreds of dollars, and well, I have no money myself. Anyway, I guess I'm asking for advice and consolation. I'm asking, what are my chances of being pregnant? Does planned parenthood charge underage girls for abortions? How much should I really be worried?