How can I be a wife like this?

When life gets hard or marriage gets tough, sometimes I'll call my mother and vent or ask for advice. It's just what us women do, right? 
I know this isn't healthy for our marriage, it only lets them see the bad side in him.
When my mom came out for our baby's birth, unannounced, my husband really made himself look like a real jerk. 
Now my mom and sisters think my husband is a complete jerk. They always act like they disapprove of him. 
I tell them constantly that he's a good dad, he spoiles me often and that we love each other. 
It just doesn't seem to be enough to cover up his actions when he saw me In labor and during his first moments as a father. 
For those who have been in a strong relationship for a long time, how would you fix this?
It pains me to see that my family no longer approves of him. :/