Work place attraction

Bubbles • I'm not afraid my sexuality. I embrace it.
There's a guy at work who is just weird. He's a good weird tho. He's tall, goofy (one of the best things about him) and he's just weird. He's not my type but I'm attracted to him. This is new for me. I typically go for brains before beauty but he doesn't exactly excel in either. I'm taking classes he's never going to take and he's a grade above me. He's athletic but he needs to focus on work rn. He's 17 and he's tall (6'3"). But he has a son. A biological son who is adorable and I don't think it'd be right for me to get involved with him. I'm 15 and I know what is was like for my dad to bring women into life. I hated it. And the child won't remember me nutvurs still the same concept. Opinions?