
My boyfriend's roommate went to the hospital at 5:30 am this morning. She woke up early this morning with severe chest pain. So bad she was screaming and crying that "Something is wrong!" I listened to her scream and cry while her boyfriend comforted her for 20 minutes. Then she threw up. Cried some more. Then the ambulance got here. They took her away. K (her boyfriend) came to my boyfriends room and knocked on the door. I woke up T (my boyfriend) and told him something was wrong with B and they were going to the hospital. He shot up out of bed and went to go talk to them before they left. So it probably isn't a miscarriage, but it got me thinking about my own miscarriage. I remember thinking "Something is wrong." I cried and clutched my tummy. It was awful. I miss our baby terribly. I would be about 28 weeks now. My stomach is all in knots worrying about her and her little one. If you're the type to pray, please do. If you're not, just send good feelings please. For her and her unborn baby. And for me..and my little one who didn't stay.