When is the right time to tell people?

Danii 💕 • 27 year old, mum of 1 little boy whose 5!, pregnant with our rainbow! Feb '18 ❤

When really is the right time to tell people you're pregnant? I'm not pregnant at the moment we're trying though :) With my son I didn't tell anyone I was pregnant until I was 21 weeks, I was 22 at the time and absolutely terrified as I'd left my parents on bad terms! I suffered a miscarriage 2 years ago at 6+3 and again i didn't tell anyone, still to this day no one knew I was pregnant! I've always been fearful of telling people incase something goes wrong in which in that case it did, and I didn't want to rope anyone into my emotional turmoil! my brother and his wife told people they were pregnant with my nephew when she was 6 weeks, I would of been so nervous!! 😑

So the question really is..is there ever a right time to tell people? 😊