I thought I got my period, but...

Typically my periods start with a couple days of spotting, then 2 heavy days, 2-3 medium days, and maybe a day or 2 of light bleeding (usually a week long ordeal after the initial spotting).  
This month I had 2 days of spotting, then 1 heavy day, 1 medium day, and 3-4 days of spotting. 
I've been peeing like crazy, but I've chocked it up to the fact that I'm trying to drink more water. Last night I was getting really dizzy but passed it off as being really tired.  Today I woke up so dizzy I couldn't walk straight at first. Went to work and was so lightheaded, dizzy, and nauseous that I had to go home after only being there for an hour and a half.  I've got cramps both in my lower andomen and my back.  I'm praying I don't throw up right now...if I was pregnant I would be one day short of 6 weeks (25dpo). I know morning sickness doesn't normally start this early, but there are the cases where it does...
I have a pregnancy test, but I don't have to pee at the moment and kind of want to save up my pee for the best FMU affect. 
I don't know. I thought I was out this month, but now I'm not so sure.  What do you all think?