How far along were you when you found out?


It started with my job at the time, it was a very stressful month for me and it was A LOT for me to handle (I worked in a kitchen). My hair was falling out and my period was late, I didn't think it was a big deal. Your body copes with stress in many ways, known to make your period late.

Well I didn't get my period for almost 2 weeks so I told my Fiance (I will never forget the look on his face😂). I took 2 pregnancy tests and I went to the Doctors for confirmation, I was told I was 7weeks & 2days along. I was referred to a OBGYN and at 8weeks & 2days I saw my baby for the 1st time and heard my baby(ies) heartbeat. ❤

I'm also a FTM, this is my 1st pregnancy too.

How far along were you when you found out you were pregnant with your baby(ies)?