I feel so lucky

Bunny Blonde
I don't want to jinx it but I feel so lucky. I had a really positive pregnancy. Other than spd and regular aches and pains and heavy breathing my pregnancy was relatively easy. I was never so huge that I was physically uncomfortable and I had no complications the entire time. I went into labor on my due date and had baby girl the next day. I'm only 10 days pp and I'm already able to fit in my pre pregnancy clothes I'm just really mushy and sore. I also have the easiest baby. We had a few issues with breast feeding in the beginning  but she's got it now. She only really gets fussy when she wants something, mostly when she's hungry or gets moved around too much after getting cozy. She doesn't even really cry when she needs a new diaper. And she's a great sleeper, she sleep in 3-5 hour stretches. And she loves to cuddle. I couldn't ask for anything better especially since her dad doesn't live with us, he's great when he's here and he's really here when he's here but baby girl is making it so easy on mommy. And she's already got great head control and is starting to focus her eyes on everything and is so alert. There's so many negative and discouraging posts just figured I'd share my positive experience.