I feel like I'm the only one still pregnant

Alyssa 🎀💜💕🌸 • I'm 22 & in love with my best friend and we are expecting a little bundle of joy 8/17!
I feel like I'm the only still pregnant of people that were due on my DD (8/17) or close to it.. I see people that were due after me having their babies and it makes me so upset.. I'm only 1.5 cm dilated and 75% effaced I have tried pretty much everything to bring on labor and have had zero luck. I am hot and fat and miserable I just want to hold my baby boy already :( every time I get on the app it asks if he's been born yet buuuut nope :( four days until my due date and she won't induce until I go past 40 weeks :( sorry just had to rant I'm over being pregnant just want a happy healthy baby