To anyone who has faked orgasms

So I have been with my boyfriend for one year now and I have faked orgasms with him. Mostly in the beginning and only during intercourse. I have never been able to reach orgasm with penetration with anyone and I started faking it since I was first sexually active in fear that there "was something wrong with me", and now I know better. I feel he could be THE ONE and now I fear for sex life  if I don't change this. Recently I told him it's hard for me to cum with just penetration alone. But he still shoots for it. I have been trying to hint at more foreplay but I have this mental block now keeping me from coming even from clitoral stimulation!! I feel like I'm taking too long or its just a chore for him. So I just upset and shut down completely. He want to please me and for some reason I just can't open up.