Breaking up is hard to do

How do I break up with my current boyfriend? We have been together for 5 years and live together. If I was to just break up I would have absolutely no where to live. We've been dating for so long that breaking up would definitely change a lot. I really do need to get out of this relationship for myself or I know that I will regret it. I feel stuck and unable to leave. Financially we both have separate accounts but we still have always split everything. The emotions with him that I have had are gone and unable to be restored. I've been unhappy with the relationship for a while now and am just now trying to figure it out so I can finally focus on myself.

EDIT; I tried talking to him about this. He can never take me seriously. We can never have a conversation about real problems. He plays it off like everything's fine even when I tell him I want to leave. He's very immature and this is a part of the reason why I need to get out of this relationship... I just want to have a real conversation and he just ignores me and doesn't respond or says stuff like oh but you don't really mean it even though I really do mean it.