
My daughter's father and I get along pretty well. Sometimes we have our arguments, but typically we're great. And she loves having both of her patents around. It's great. Sometimes though we fight, physically. No one gets hurt, but we do have them. Mostly him trying to take the baby out of my hands but sometimes it's the opposite. (No she doesn't get hurt. When it gets that far I put her down or turn around. Like I said no one gets hurt.) But I feel like that's bad for her to experience. I don't know what to do, I feel like at this point it would be upsetting for her to suddenly not be around both parents, and being as though our lives are basically intertwined (we've known each other since sophomore year in high school and we have been out for a year), it would be hard to avoid each other anyways. Besides we usually get along, it's just times where both of our tempers flare. Any advice?