Please help me with my marriage!!!!

 My marriage is horrible right now so much I don't think hubby will even make time to see me for my bday 😥 I literally feel like my marriage is spiraling down so fast I can't catch it. I'm catching him in lots of lies. I'm also to the point where I can't cry over it because I've cried so much! What do I do ?! We want to try therapy as soon as his work schedule chills out. But for now I'm at a loss. He's so mean to me. He's told me he's not in love with me anymore. Some girl tried adding me on Instagram well I saw he followed her so I just simply asked who it was I could tell he was lying when he said just a friend so I asked again and he got pissed he yelled to me "I fucked the dirty dog shit out of her!!!" She was a one night stand before he and I met which whatever but we're married now imao I don't feel he should have following her. I asked him to delete and block her he did. Now we've had peons with snapchat because his score goes up and up and up but he won't text me back. He swears he doesn't snap that much and it's only a couple people but I don't know what to believe. I truly believe in my heart that he would NOT CHEAT on me. But why be so hateful to me ?!?