

After a year of living together at my place, around April of 2016 I found out my fiance was using meth, and knowing his previous history it terrified me to know that he might screw up his life again. On May 2016 we moved to an urban area to a little place he found for the two of us away from the city, because of issues I was having with my landlord about our dog and my fiance. It was a tiny little ugly place, we spend approximately 1g trying to make living condition. He was always protective of me, caring, loving, he will pretty much do everything to make me be happy confortable.

When I knew he was using, I changed I became overprotective, bossy, moody, demanding, bitchy I wanted to know where he was, what he was doing, if he wouldn't answer his phone I would freak out, I got to the point where I went and found him one of those nights that he didn't came home. I was always afraid of him getting in trouble, killed, picked up by the police.

Approximately late June he started smoking inside the house, at first it was in the bathroom before his shower, with the door closed so his shit wouldn't get to me or the dog, but around the last week of June he decided to smoke on the living room after I was in bed, I have asthma and I have never in my life used drugs, I was born and raised at a Christian house. I asked him to stop or not do those things around me, thinking I was pregnant because I have missed my cycle for about 2 months. He didn't care anymore, so we were fighting every night pretty much. So I analyzed his behavior of not caring for myself, the baby or the dog on August 4 before I left for work I decided to ask him if he still loved me as I was lying on his chest looking straight into his eyes, and he paused and said yes I have love for you, but I don't feel that fuzzy warm feeling I used to feel, when I see you, hear you ,looked at you or when I was coming home from work knowing you'll be waiting. So I got up and said so it's over? You don't love me anymore I rather not be here. I returned the ring he kept his, and on my way to work I decided to move out called my parents and told them we had broken up, my parents asked why and I said we stop loving each other +my mother knowing my the sound of voice said there is something else? I said yes, he is usuing drugs around me. My parents immediately supported my decission of moving out, i went to work cried all day and after work called my brother to help me out, he and his gf meet me at my fiances place and we moved the smaller things. By the time my fiance got to his place i was gone.

I took the 🐕 with me, so we have been seen eavh other. Actually the day aftrr i moved out. The dog was crying so much at my place that i decided to drive 45 min away to his place yo take the dog since i knew he was missing him, and when i get there i see a girl sitting on my porch at freaken 11:30 at night, He wasls over to my car and asks me what was i doing there? So i tols him about the dog, and i asked what was she dling there? He yold me it was his childhood friend who just got released from doing 3 years of prision. I knew this girl had feelings for him since they used wrote eachother while she was gone, but he assures me there is nothing between them. And she does assure me of the same thing i spoke to her and tell her i was fully aware of her letters.

I still love him, i moved out because i removed myself from a situation i dont want to be part of but i love him.

He came over earlier this week to see me and we had sex. Our sex is delicuous!😍 we used to have sex every day twice a day and it was great. so last night i went over to see pur dog since he took him home earlier this week, so i kissed him and as sson i kiss him he gets a supper bonner, grabs my hand towrds his penis and tells me as he pins me against the wall that i am mean, because i wont finish him. So as i grab onto his neck and he picks me up from my but i wishper in his ear i will. He throws me in the bed and takes my clothes off as he kiss my body. ( Sorry TMDI) so we end up of course having some delicious sex and orgasms. And go out for a bite come back to his place and i fall asleep o. His recliner with our dog on my lap. He puts me in bed by his side and i wake up this morning to his kisses and hugs until like 11am.

Ladies i need help! I love this man to pieces, i know he loves me because i can see it on his eyes. We literally spent all day together. He just dropped me off. But he needs help, he is an addict and idk how to help him.

Oh and he has not had sex with anyone else other than me, that was one of my conditions for him when i left him, i told him that if he wanted a chance with me. Not to fuck around, and he promised he wouldnt and i believe him.

I am just being stupid?