need to vent

I'm 23, FTM, one more year for me to graduate college and living with my BF (who is 23 years old as well ) and his family. I always talk to him about my future goals and how we should save money, get married and buy a house but he says he needs to help his little sisters or that he's going to buy a house with his older sister so we can all live in there. This made me feel uncomfortable... We are a team , we are suppose to accomplish goals together. My baby is 2 months old and I'll be going to work part time and school full time for our own good. Why does he need his sister to buy a house when we can buy a house together. To top it off I had the effort and energy to go to work and school when I was pregnant when my parents and older sisters told me I should rest. It's like I'm going to school and working for nothing. My sisters and parents are mad that I'm going flack to work , that I should enjoy and spend taking care of my first baby. Also his dad was deported so he's the head of the household for his family. I know it's greddy for me to say that we should do it by ourselves and leave behind his family but I also want to raise my kids in my own house, get to my house and cook, watch movies etc and not get home to my in laws... Which I don't get that well with my MIL. Any advice? Thanks in advance