Im so upset.

Today, my husband and I went to the fair with our daughter. I'm 39 weeks, so I wanted do a lot of walking to get things going. We were there for maybe 15 minutes before I started having contractions and extreme back pain. We left and came home, I laid down, drank about 3 glasses of ice water, and started to time them. They were 4-5 minutes apart, lasting 45 seconds to a minute. I timed them for an hour, took a shower to see if it would help ease the back pain and it didn't so my husband took me into L&D.

They hooked me up, monitored me for 30 minutes and said I was having regular contractions. They checked my cervix. Dilated to a 4 and 90% effaced. They wanted to do a urinalysis, so I gave them a sample. They come back after an hour and say I'm just dehydrated and the contractions are from being dehydrated so they sent me home.

I have drank nothing but water today. I have had well over a gallon of water today. I'm always drinking.

I'm just so upset because I thought that this was it, it was time. But I guess not 😭😥