38 weeks! Princess Tatum is here:) 8/13/16!!

 Came in to labor and delivery for decreased fetal movement. Heart rate baseline was lower than normal for her. Contracted all night last night but they stopped at 3 am. Woke up to nothing. She was crazy moving last night though. Did a sonogram and she wasn't doing her breathing movement. At all!  Then nurse checked me and I was 100% effaced 1 centimeter dilated and bag of water right there. She was also super engaged in pelvis. Was taken back for my csection at 6 pm. She was born at 6:33 pm. 8 lbs 1 oz. 19 1/2 inches long. My 16 year old son was my person in the OR. He is so in love. So am I!  
Just FYI... I never lost a mucus plug. Not even a lot of discharge. Just for you mommies out there wondering.