Avante Lawrence 8/13/16 8lbs 13oz 19.5in

My handsome son made his debut this weekend and I'm in love all over again!! All day Friday I had irregular contractions that were very painful. Called L&D around 430pm. Doctor said walk and see if they become more regular to rule out false labor. Sure enough they stop. For next 5 hours I had maybe 3 contractions. Then at exactly 930 I have a really bad one. 5 minutes later another. 5 minutes later another. By 10pm I was crying and telling hubby it was time to go. Called dad to meet us at hospital for older 2 got everyone in car and was on road by 1010. I had to drive to hospital which was 30min away cause hubby doesn't have license. 5 minutes into drive I start feeling wet. Whole way there I was having intense contractions between 3-5 minutes apart lasting 1-2 minutes long. Finally around 1045 we got to hospital and er nurse literally runs me up to L&D. Apparently they could tell it was the real deal and got me straight in a room. As they are helping me strip I get an intense feeling to push. I get in bed and they check me. I'm at 9cm!! So I'm told it's to late for pain meds!! My hubby comes in room and is shocked to see the nurses rushing around getting table ready. Over hear a nurse say on call doctor is 30 minutes away and not answering phone. They get ahold of a different doctor but he's still 15min away!! Now I'm group b strep positive so nurses are trying to rush and get me antibiotics. They checked me as doctor came rushing in and I'm 10cm and crowning with bulging bag. Apparently in car I was leaking but water not completely broke. Antibiotics get there and doctor encourages me to try to hold off pushing as long as possible so we can at least try to get 1 dose in and circulated. So 6 minutes to get antibiotics in iv and almost 30 minutes to circulate it I'm trying my hardest to not push each contraction. Finally at 1156 doctor says ok I think were safe to push this baby out. 2 contractions later at exactly midnight my baby boy is here. Yes 4 minutes of pushing!!and I somehow didn't tear!! I did it. Only 2.5 hours of actual labor, no pain meds, and was able to still get one dose of life saving antibiotics and my baby boy was born!! It was a crazy intense experience but he is so completely worth it. :D doctor said if I have another baby to camp outside cause he rushed out so fast...lol