Weird Labor??? Anyone have crazy painful "real deal" contractions that subsided then returned here and there?

Hello ladies! So I'm 38 weeks today... Last tuesday 8/9 I was 3cm- 50%- head at -2. This is baby #3 so I know the difference between bh and the real contractions.... I was so so sure I was going to have this little girl last Thursday... I had real pain, couldn't talk through contractions for like 12 hours straight but the never got consistent. They were like 15 min apart then 7 then 10... Then of course just tapered off.. Came back Friday evening until like 4am sat morning, then I had like 2 or 3 sporadic ones yesterday and last night... Also blood tinged mucus since last Wednesday. There were big glops at first now just some clear with a pink streak when I wipe... I go to doc tomorrow morning so I guess I'll know for sure then but anyone ever experience this and what was your outcome? Progress?