Need advice please read

So my SO lately has been going to "practice" for this made up football team for adults because they have a game once a year and they practice for it. Whatever. My man is 25. He played football in highschool and his dream was to make it big. My point is that it's so annoying for him to come home on a Wednesday and leave straight to practice 45 mins away, and on Sunday's when we're supposed to relax, he goes. This team doesn't win any money if they win the game it's literally "just for fun" which is cool for a not so grown man. Am I wrong for not being supportive? Like our grass needs mowing and shit like that but you're gonna go two times a week to have fun? Like not one guy on that team has their shit together. They're all wanna be nfl players that take the shit way too serious. This is so annoying. Someone tell me what you think??