Should I stay or go?


I've been dating this guy for a while and we live together. We've had a lot of issues within the relationship, I'm just tired of it all, yet I still kind of want to stay?

Here's the background : We met a week after his ex left him, he instantly wanted a relationship with me but I wasn't ready so we waited a few more weeks. Due to dating him, I had to move out of my grand parents because they didn't like that I wasn't home anymore.

So we move in together and everything goes down hill. He starts talking to other girls, sexting them, and ignoring me. When I found out, he made more of an attempt to show me attention. But he still talked to these girls, and started talking to more. Finally, I shut down and have paid no attention to him for two weeks, mainly trying to block all emotions to keep myself from being hurt.

Now that I pay him no attention he has cut off all girls and wants to be around me and "sweet" 24/7. I appreciate it but its so draining, even sex is far fetched for me at this point, and its been over a month!

I do really have great feelings for him, but I'm just scared to get hurt again. I don't know what to do. Should I just get over the fact that he cheated on me like he said? Or listen to everyone else and leave?